If you need more business you’re looking in the right place. Good telephone marketing activity can turn simple methodical business contact activity into long term business relationships. But what is the best way to go about it? Telemarketing, if it’s done correctly, really will win you new business, help you to keep your existing customers and develop initial contact with others into long lasting business relationships too.

So you face choices: Of course you can employ someone. You’ll need to train them in how to properly use the phone without aggravating the very people you want to reach, how to make relevant notes of the conversations they will have had. How to properly operate a call back diary, and why. How to make sure that the way they call and the other things they do around this activity is within the Law. There’s lots of other stuff too in correctly doing the job of getting more business – BUT – Then there’s also that 10%+ or more fee which is calculated from the starting salary of the new employee as an agency fee up front. That’s before things like compulsory pension legislation and all that other “employee” stuff of which the government has saddled your business – like employer’s NI contributions, holiday pay, extensive workers’ rights and insurances, safe places of work, providing equipment, training & software, etc. So this could cost you a fair sum and be an enormous commitment especially if it doesn’t quite go as expected – and if it does they might up and leave for perceived greener pastures after you’ve trained them.

Or you could instead just get in touch with me. I’ve been doing what I do for years. I’m also really quite good at it too! I have checkable references (published elsewhere on this site) from other companies just like yours. I stick around: Currently I’ve two ongoing customers of 6+ years in addition to another where I’m now in the fifteenth year of doing their work – so I must be doing something right!  No, I can’t cast-iron guarantee that how and what I do would be successful for you too (just like employing someone internally wouldn’t be) but the gamble of what it will cost you to try me for say six weeks over what it might otherwise cost you to try to find and employ someone internally really are extremely attractive numbers. We’re talking just hundreds in comparison with committing many, many thousands!

I know The Phone Works! I can make it work for you too. Calling me today to find out more may be one of the best things you’ll have done all year – 0330 – 043 1529.

Paul Faulkner
Page Revisited August 2023